MIOKO個展 「たまにはヨソの布団の上@旅館 澤の屋 再び」 ー2024年12月7日(土)~12月22日(日)

English Below


このたび、MIOKOのイラストエッセイと小話マンガのZINE『だいたい布団の上。』vol.04の刊行を記念して、MIOKO個展「たまにはヨソの布団の上@旅館 澤の屋 再び」を開催する。

2020年から、MIOKOは簡易なノートに黒いボールペンを使って、「何気ない日常」と自身の「内」に漂う 「得体のしれない考え」を 絵と言葉で日記のように書き留めている。時に小話のような可笑しみを含んでいたり、ドキッとさせられる視線を送られたり、どことなく哀しみを感じたり…そんな 「日常」と「得体のしれない考え 」は増殖を重ね、『 だいたい布団の上。 』という本が生まれた。「布団」は生活感漂う、日常にべったりと寄り添う存在でありながらも、眠れぬ夜にあれやこれやと考えを巡らせたり、うとうとと夢の世界に誘われたり「内」と「外」、日常と非日常、あっちとこっち、をいったりきたりする不思議な場所かもしれない。まさに得体の知れない場所。

第2巻の刊行時には谷中の老舗「旅館 澤の屋」の布団の上に、そして第3巻の刊行の際は、北千住の「家劇場」の布団の上にお邪魔して、ヨソの布団の上だからこそできる個展を開催してきた。

3回目となる個展「たまにはヨソの布団の上。」は、再び「旅館 澤の屋」を舞台に開催する。今回は、旅館 澤の屋に数日間宿泊し、滞在制作を行う。展示では、滞在制作をした作品とZIINE『だいたい布団の上。』vol.04の原画を展示し、会期中に巨大漫画のライブドローイングも開催予定。

MIOKOにとって旅館 澤の屋は電車一本でひょいと行ける、そう遠くはない場所。以前の展示で何度も何度もこの地を訪れているし、わざわざ「旅行」先としての選択肢には入らない。しかし、あえて、この地に、旅館 澤の屋に滞在することで、「何気ない日常の目」と「旅行者の目」の両の眼を持つことを試みる。



アーティスト ステイトメント







MIOKO個展 「たまにはヨソの布団の上@旅館 澤の屋 再び」
会期:2024年12月7日(土)~12月22日(日) ※12月15日(日)のみ休み
時間:14:00~18:00  ※土&日は13:00~18:00
※鑑賞いただけるお時間は旅館 澤の屋の営業時間と異なります。ご注意ください。
会場:旅館 澤の屋 1階(東京都台東区谷中2-3-11) 
アクセス:千代田線 根津駅より徒歩約7分   ※アクセス詳細はこちら
会場内グッズSHOP:現金とpaypayに対応。  ※商品のラインナップの一部はこちら


・旅館 澤の屋に溶け込むMIOKOの漫画たち
・『だいたい布団の上。』vol.04 の原画を展示
・MIOKOが谷根千を散歩したり、旅館 澤の屋に滞在して描いた本展のための描きおろし漫画を展示
・たまに巨大漫画のライブドローイング ※日時は決まり次第お知らせします


MIOKO (みおこ)



X: https://twitter.com/mioko_official
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mioko_thanzuiyue/


ライブペインティング “Hidden beauty”
@Enfold 丸の内旗艦店     
個展「大きくなったり 小さくなったり」
@The secret museum

@旅館 澤の屋 



旅館 澤の屋

HP: http://www.sawanoya.com/index.html
X: https://twitter.com/ryokan_sawanoya
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sawanoyaryokan/


会場:旅館 澤の屋
交通:千代田線 根津駅より徒歩約7分 


たまにはヨソの布団の上 の売店

・シルクスクリーン作品、ZINE、MIOKOお手製ぬいぐるみ など



仕様:ソフトカバー/B6 128x182mm/20ページ/モノクロ/中綴じ/日本語









本屋しゃん/中村 info@honyashan.com

共催:旅館 澤の屋

MIOKO Solo Exhibition
Sometimes on a futon in someone else’s place

Exhibition of ❛ illustrated essay❜ and ❛small stories Manga❜ like a diary

A solo exhibition of MIOKO’s work ‘Sometimes on a futon @ Ryokan Sawanoya again’ will be held to celebrate the publication of the zine “Almost always on a futon” vol. 04, which is filled with MIOKO’s essay illustrations and short manga.

Since 2020, MIOKO has been drawing her “daily life” and “unidentifiable thoughts” floating in her “inside”, using a black ballpoint pen in a simple notebook like a diary. Sometimes they are funny short stories, sometimes they are exciting, and sometimes they are somewhat sad… 

The zine “Almost always on a futon” was born with those “daily life” and “unidentifiable thoughts”.

“Futon” is familiar to ordinary Japanese people’s daily lives, but at the same time, it is a mysterious place where we sometimes think over about this-and-that at night when we can’t sleep, or is a strange place to doze off and be lured into a dream. 

Or it might be a magical place where you come and go “inside” and “outside,” from-to the ordinary and the extraordinary, here and there…

After publishing the 1st book, the 2nd book, and so on, now the 4th book has been published.

As the celebration for the 2nd publication, a solo exhibition on a futon was held in “Ryokan Sawanoya” in Yanaka, and another solo exhibition on a futon in “Ie Gekijo” as the cekebratuib for the 3rd publication.

For the third solo exhibition, “Sometimes on a futon in someone else’s house” will once again be held at the Ryokan Sawanoya. This time, the artists will stay at the Ryokan Sawanoya for a few days to create works during staying. The exhibition will feature the works created during the residency and the original of the zine Almost always on a futon”  vol. 04. And also a live drawing of a giant manga will be held during the exhibition.

Although MIOKO is almost always on a futon, she sometimes feels the urge to move.

For MIOKO, Ryokan Sawanoya is not far away from home, just with a short train ride. She has visited this place many times for previous exhibitions. It should never be an option for her as a “travel” destination. However, by daring to stay in this place, at the Ryokan Sawanoya, she will try to have both “eyes in  daily life” and “eyes of a traveler”.

When MIOKO’s eyes in daily life and traveler’s eyes intersect on the futon, in someone else’s house, what kind of unexplainable thoughts will leap out of them?

We wish you a journey in the midst of ordinary days through MIOKO’s works.

Artist Statement

Sometimes I just want to keep moving.
As far away as possible. Far away
It might not have to be so far anymore.
It can easily become a journey with sleeping and waking up somewhere other than home.
I live a different life with sleeping and waking up somewhere other than home.


 December 7 (sat) – December 22 (Sun), 2024 ※Closed only Sunday, December 15
Time: 14:00-18:00 *13:00- 18:00 on Saturdays and Sunday
※Please note that viewing hours differ from Sawanoya’s business hours
Venue: 1st floor of Ryokan Sawanoya (2-3-11 Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo) google map
Access: Approximately 7 minutes walk from Nezu Station on the Chiyoda Line
Admission fee: Free 

Highlights of the Exhibition

・MIOKO’s Manga blend into Ryokan Sawanoya
・Original drawings of “Almost always on a futon
・Manga drawn by MIOKO during her walks in Yanesen and stays at Ryokan Sawanoya will be exhibited.
・Giant manga on canvas will be exhibited.
・Live drawing of the giant manga *Date and time will be announced as soon as it is decided.

Artist Profile

Fashion Model/Artist
almost always on a Futon.
She is a model by profession. She is expanding her activities by traveling abroad, appearing in films, and working with artists. She also draws pictures and does puppet shows and performances. In her personal life, however, she is basically lazy and lives an indoor life. When she goes to art galleries, she walks a lot. She likes to sleep on a futon although she has insomnia.
X: https://twitter.com/mioko_official
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mioko_thanzuiyue/


Ryokan SawanoyaRyokan Sawanoya opened in Yanaka in 1949, soon after the end of World War II. It served mainly groups of guests such as students on school excursions and business travelers. In the 1970s, however, private rooms with bathrooms and toilets began to be preferred, and the demand shifted to business hotels close to the station, resulting in a decrease in the number of guests. 1982 saw the number of guests drop to zero, and the ryokan was in danger of going out of business, which led to its downsizing and transformation into a family ryokan managed solely by family members. The ryokan began accepting guests from abroad, and to date, a total of 200,000 guests from 92 countries have visited the ryokan.

HP: http://www.sawanoya.com/
X: https://twitter.com/ryokan_sawanoya
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sawanoyaryokan/


2-3-11 Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Approximately 7 minutes walk from Nezu Station on the Chiyoda Line
Google map

Special Notes

・Please use public transportation or walk to the Ryokan as there is no bicycle parking or parking space available.
・Please refrain from waiting outside the Ryokan before or after the opening.
・The Ryokan is located in a residential area. Please refrain from talking loudly or staying outside the museum for long periods of time to avoid disturbing neighbors.
・Please refrain from loud conversations inside the ryokan, as there are guests staying at the ryokan. Also, ・please refrain from entering areas other than where artwork is displayed without permission.

We ask for your cooperation in order to ensure a safe, secure, and pleasant viewing experience for all visitors.

投稿日:2024-10-29 更新日:
