おかえりなさい「えんぎやど」へー谷中の老舗旅館 澤の屋を舞台にした展覧会 ーイラストレーション・彫刻・香りー @旅館 澤の屋/Welcome back to “ENGIYADO” @Ryokan Sawanoyaー2024年9月22日~10月13日

English below.


谷中の老舗旅館 澤の屋を舞台にした展覧会 ーイラストレーション・彫刻・香りー

旅館 澤の屋は、世界中の人と文化の「ご縁」がつながる宿。

2021年9月。新型コロナウイルスが猛威を振るい、容易に「旅」ができなくなり、常に旅人で賑わっていた旅館 澤の屋からもだんだんとその姿が消えていきました。館内は静かでちょっぴり寂しい。そんな状況において、世界中からの旅人を惹きつける旅館 澤の屋の魅力と、ここで生まれたたくさんのご縁を絶やさず、さらに新しい縁を育みたいという想いから、エリカ・ワード、境 貴雄の2名のアーティストを招聘し、アート&ブックプロジェクト「ようこそ『えんぎやど』へ」を開催しました。

あれから3年。旅館 澤の屋には、だんだんと世界中から旅人が戻り、館内にはいろいろな国の言葉が響き、笑顔の花が咲き、賑やかです。

そんな日常が戻りつつある旅館 澤の屋で、「おかえりなさい」の気持ちをこめて、「えんぎやど」の第2弾「おかえりなさい『えんぎやど』へ」を開催します。
今回は、エリカ・ワード、境 貴雄に加え、Perfumer Kō の作品を旅館 澤の屋の一階のさまざまなところに展示をします。イラストレーション、彫刻、香りとそれぞれの作品がどのように旅館 澤の屋と溶け合うかお楽しみください。
さらに、初日には、野良ちりんによる飲み物&食べ物を楽しみながらのアーティストとの交流会を開催するとともに、会期中は三遊亭らっ好の落語会(旅館 澤の屋からほど近いKOKESHI ギャラリーにて)を開催したり、境 貴雄によるアズラーの撮影会をするなどイベントも盛りだくさんです。





会期:2024年9月22日(日)〜10月13日(日) ※会期中無休
時間:14:00~18:00  ※金・土は19:00まで
会場:旅館 澤の屋 1階(東京都台東区谷中2-3-11)
アクセス:千代田線 根津駅より徒歩約7分 


①[展示]旅館 澤の屋の1階のさまざまなところで3名のアーティストの作品を展示

②[交流会]オープン日にアーティストとの交流会を開催します。エリカ・ワードによるライブペインティング、境 貴雄によるアズラー撮影会を開催するとともに、「野良ちりん」による日本酒や酒菜をお楽しみいただけます。お気軽にご参加ください。
・会場:旅館 澤の屋 1階 食堂
・参加費:無料 ※ライブペインティングの見学、アズラー撮影会も無料
・野良ちりんによるドリンク+フード:500円~ キャッシュオン

③[落語会] 三遊亭らっ好による「えんぎらくご」
・会場:KOKESHI GALLERY(東京都文京区根津2-34-24)
・チケット:2500円 ※要予約


[撮影会]境 貴雄によるアズラー撮影会
小豆の髭をつけて、アズラーになってポートレイトを撮影します。あなたもアズラーになれるチャンス! お楽しみに! ※参加費無料、予約不要

撮影会日程 各日14:00~18:00
9月22日(日) ※レセプションにて 、9月23日(月祝)※16:00まで、 9月28日(土)、 9月29日(日)
10月5日(土)、10月6日(日)、 10月12日( 土)、 10月13日(日)




Erica Ward





HP: ericawardart.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erica.ward.illustration/
X: https://twitter.com/ericaeward



エリカ・ワード/Erica Ward

境 貴雄

Takao Sakai




HP: https://takaosakai.tumblr.com/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azurer_sakai/
X: https://twitter.com/takao_sakai


海外からの観光客で大いに賑わう旅館 澤の屋さんで、コロナ終息後はじめてのアズラー撮影会を開催します!

境 貴雄/Takao Sakai

street portrait of AZURER #1126
《トーキョーアズキ 予告編》展覧会の会期中、澤の屋で撮影した新作の映像作品「トーキョーアズキ」をYouTube限定で公開します。

調香師 コウ

Perfumer Kō 







調香師コウ/Perfumer Kō 


9月23日の落語会「えんぎらくご」@KOKESHI GALLERYにて口演 


Rakko Sanyutei





HP: http://rakkou.com/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rakkosanyutei/
X: https://twitter.com/sanyuteirakko




Nora Chilling


東京都 台東区谷中 野菜と日本酒専門店 ちりん。改め野良ちりん。『宴』をメインテーマに美味しく楽しくお燗酒が飲めるイベントの企画。偶数月なことより酒店との合同企画『HAVE A GOOD TRIP』企画。

X :https://twitter.com/dada3701
instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nora_chilling/

会場/ venue


HP: http://www.sawanoya.com/index.html
twitter: https://twitter.com/ryokan_sawanoya
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sawanoyaryokan/





旅館 澤の屋 澤 新/Ryokan Sawanoya Arata Sawa







えんぎやど実行委員会 担当:本屋しゃん info@honyashan.com



多くの方にチラシ設置や掲示にご協力をいただいています。心より感謝申し上げます。ぜひ、「えんぎやど&えんぎらくご」にお越しのみなさまも、それぞれのお店や施設におでかけください^^素敵なご縁がつながりますように。 ※順不同、敬称略


ご紹介いただきありがとうございます!ぜひ各サイトを訪問してみてください。素敵な情報に出会えるはずです。 ※順不同

Welcome back to “ENGIYADO”

“Welcome back to Engiyado” is an exhibition of illustrations, sculptures, and fragrances at Yanaka’s long-established Ryokan Sawanoya.

Ryokan Sawanoya is an inn that creates connections, “en,” between people and cultures from all over the world. Yes, it truly is an “Engiyado”: a place of positive connections.

Remember back to September 2021. The new coronavirus was raging, making it difficult to travel, and at Ryokan Sawanoya the presence of the travelers that always kept business bustling gradually disappeared. The inside of the building was quiet and a little lonely. It was in that situation that we invited two artists, Erica Ward and Takao Sakai, to hold the art and book project “Welcome to ‘Engiyado'” with the desire to preserve the charm of Ryokan Sawanoya, which attracts travelers from all over the world, and to continue the many connections that were made here and to further foster new connections.

Three years have passed since then. Travelers from all over the world are gradually returning to Ryokan Sawanoya, and the building is once again bustling with the sound of various languages and laughter.

With a feeling of “welcome back” at Ryokan Sawanoya, where daily life is returning, we will hold the second “Engiyado” event, “Welcome back to Engiyado.”

This time, in addition to Erica Ward and Takao Sakai, work by Perfumer Kō will be exhibited in various places on the first floor of Ryokan Sawanoya. Enjoy how each work blends with Ryokan Sawanoya, including illustrations, sculptures, and fragrances.

In addition, on the first day, we will host an exchange event with the artists artists over drinks and food, provided by Nora Chirin, and during the event there will be a rakugo performance by Sanyutei Rakko (at KOKESHI Gallery, close to Ryokan Sawanoya), a photo shoot with Takao Sakai’s Azurer red bean beards, and many other events.

These members were connected by the message, “Welcome to Engiyado.” Thanks to the connections that Engiyado has made, we are able to deliver the message, “Welcome back to Engiyado.”

To all travelers, to all those who have come to visit Engiyado, to all the people of Yanaka, and to all those who are meeting us for the first time,

Welcome back.
Please enjoy your stay.


Welcome back to “Engiyado”
September 22 (Sun) – October 13 (Sun), 2024 ※Open throughout this period
Time: 14:00-18:00 *Until 19:00 on Fridays and Saturdays
※Please note that viewing hours differ from Sawanoya’s business hours
Venue: 1st floor of Ryokan Sawanoya (2-3-11 Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo) google map
Access: Approximately 7 minutes walk from Nezu Station on the Chiyoda Line
Admission fee: Free 


(1) [Exhibition] Works by three artists will be exhibited at various locations on the first floor of Ryokan Sawanoya.
※The works will be exhibited on the first floor. Please refrain from entering the second floor or above unless you are staying at the hotel.
※There are also works in the garden visible from the bath, but they can only be viewed by guests staying at the hotel. Thank you for your understanding.

(2) [Reception] An exchange meeting with artists will be held on the opening day. There will be live painting by Erica Ward, an Azurer beard photo session by Takao Sakai, and you can enjoy Japanese sake and sake dishes by Nora Chirin. Please feel free to join us.
Date and Time: Sunday, September 22, 2024, 14:00-18:00
Venue: Ryokan Sawanoya, 1st floor, dining room
Participation fee: Free of charge  ※Live painting viewing and Azurer photo session are also free
※No reservations are required, so please feel free to come
Drink + food by Nora Chilling: 500 yen – cash-on
※Please refrain from talking loudly or lingering outside the building so as not to disturb guests and neighbors

(3) [Rakugo performance] “EngiRakugo” by Rakko Sanyutei
Date and time:
Monday, September 23, 2024 (National Holiday), doors open at 17:00, performance begins at 17:30
Venue: KOKESHI GALLERY (2-34-24 Nezu, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
※Please note that the venue is not Sawanoya. It is about a 2-minute walk from Sawanoya.
Ticket: 2,500 yen
※Plays only in Japanese with no subtitles.

(4) [Photo Session] Azurer Photo Session by Takao Sakai
Put on an azuki bean moustache and take a portrait as an “Azurer”. This is your chance to become an Azurer! We will inform you of the date of the event from as it approaches. Please look forward to it! ※Participation is free

Photo session schedule: 14:00-18:00 each day
September 22 (Sun.) *at the reception, September 23 (Mon.) *until 16:00,
September 28 (Sat.), September 29 (Sun.),
October 5 (Sat.), October 6 (Sun.), October 12 (Sat.), October 13 (Sun.)

(5) [Merchandise] Artist goods and zines will be sold at Ryokan Sawanoya. We will also sell artworks, so please let us know if you see something that interests you.

Participating Artists

Erica Ward
Erica Ward is a California-born, Tokyo-based watercolor artist. She takes inspiration from Japanese design and often uses Japanese motifs in her work. By arranging everyday sights and objects in surreal ways within her artworks, Ward asks the viewer to consider the mundane daily objects in their surroundings as things of beauty and symbols of culture.
HP: ericawardart.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erica.ward.illustration/
X: https://twitter.com/ericaeward

Message from Erica Ward:It has been three years since the exhibition “Welcome to Engiyado.” The world has changed a lot, and I am sure that many different people will now be able to come see “Welcome back to Engiyado.” I will be happy if foreign tourists, residents of the Yanaka area, and guests who came three years ago to “Welcome to Engiyado” can all view and enjoy this exhibition with their unique cultural perspectives. It is a rare experience to get to see an art exhibition at a ryokan, so I hope guests can enjoy the ryokan atmosphere itself as part of the exhibition.

Takao Sakai
Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a master’s degree in design. While still a student, he began showing works using Japanese sweets and azuki beans as motifs, and his exhibition at Ota Fine Arts in 2005 marked the beginning of his full-fledged career as an artist. He is the instigator of “Azurer,” a fashion style in which azuki beans are used as beards, and has taken portraits of over 5,000 people, many of them celebrities, as models. He is active in various media as well as the art world, appearing on TV and talk shows, as a radio personality, in magazines and newspapers, at events at commercial facilities, and in collaboration with fashion brands. Major collections of his works include the Gana Art Center in Korea and the Ryutaro Takahashi Collection in Japan.
HP: https://takaosakai.tumblr.com/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azurer_sakai/
x: https://twitter.com/takao_sakai

Message from Takao Sakai:The first Azurer photo session since the end of Corona will be held at Sawanoya Ryokan, which is very crowded with tourists from overseas!
Azurer is an imaginary fashion style in which azukis are used as beards. It is an art project involving more than 5,000 diverse subjects regardless of nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, or occupation.
Azurer is a communication tool, a special way to relate to society, and an attempt to connect people from all over the world. By holding the event at a ryokan that is not a museum or gallery, we hope to create new encounters through the Azurer with people who do not usually have the opportunity to come into contact with art.
In addition, to coincide with the moon-viewing season, we will also exhibit a new work featuring bunny buns.
We are sincerely looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition!

Perfumer Kō 
After working as a perfumer for 16 years at domestic and overseas fragrance houses, Ko decided to start his own business to explore his creativity. Ko creates new value through fragrances, such as an scented art book and a fragrance performance.


Message from Perfumer Kō :Based on the image of Ryokan Sawanoya and the Yanaka area, I want to create a Japanese-style atmosphere with 100% natural fragrances, mainly using Japanese essential oils of yuzu citrus, hinoki tree, and hiba tree.
Experienced together with the works of the other participating artists, you will be entertained visually and olfactorily.


Rakugo Performance on September 23rd @ KOKESHI Gallery

rakko sanyutei
Born in 1991 in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture.
His home ground is Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo.
He is a rakugo comic storyteller who places importance on expressing the “human weakness” of the characters in his rakugo stories.
He is a human being who runs full speed to his favorite activities such as public baths, saunas, fishing, cooking, and drinking, just like the residents of the world of rakugo.
Today, somewhere in the world, he is still struggling to convey the charm of rakugo and of human beings.

In 2013, he was introduced to Sanyutei Kotaro, and in 2016, he was promoted to Nitsume.
From April 2023, he will be a radio personality on Sasebo Happi FM’s “Onbunirako” every Thursday from 18:00,
He is active in various fields. By the way, his stage name comes from his resemblance to an otter.
HP: http://rakkou.com/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rakkosanyutei/
X: https://twitter.com/sanyuteirakko

(※)Rakugo is a traditional Japanese form of comedic storytelling performed by a solo performer, often seated on a stage. The storyteller narrates humorous tales, incorporating dialogue and various characters within the narrative. The Rakugoka wears kimono while performing, which is a traditional Japanese clothing.


Participating in meetup on September 22nd

Nora Chilling
Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo Vegetable and Sake Shop Chilling. Chilling, also known as Nora Chilling, is a restaurant specializing in vegetables and sake in Yanaka, Taito-ku, Tokyo. Planning an event where you can enjoy drinking heated sake with the main theme of “Banquet”. Since it is an even-numbered month, we are planning a joint project with a sake store called “Have a Good Trip”.
X :https://twitter.com/dada3701
instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nora_chilling/


Ryokan Sawanoya
Ryokan Sawanoya opened in Yanaka in 1949, soon after the end of World War II. It served mainly groups of guests such as students on school excursions and business travelers. In the 1970s, however, private rooms with bathrooms and toilets began to be preferred, and the demand shifted to business hotels close to the station, resulting in a decrease in the number of guests. 1982 saw the number of guests drop to zero, and the ryokan was in danger of going out of business, which led to its downsizing and transformation into a family ryokan managed solely by family members. The ryokan began accepting guests from abroad, and to date, a total of 200,000 guests from 92 countries have visited the ryokan.
HP: http://www.sawanoya.com/index.html
twitter: https://twitter.com/ryokan_sawanoya
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sawanoyaryokan/

Message from Ryokan Sawanoya:Due to the 2021 Corona, the number of customers has decreased drastically, and we have been facing a very difficult situation.
In such a situation, we held “Art & Book Project Welcome to Engi-Yado” as a new trial, organized by Bookshop Shan, and we had a lot of visitors and a lot of relationships with them.
We were very happy to see so many visitors to our booth, and we were able to make a lot of connections with them.
Now that 2024 Corona has come and gone, we have many guests from all over the world.
We would like to thank all of our old and new guests for coming back to “Welcome Back to Engiyado”.

We would like to thank Shoko Nakamura for organizing this event, as well as Erica Ward, Takao Sakai, and PerfumerKo for their participation.

We are looking forward to meeting many new friends and acquaintances.

Special Notes

・Please use public transportation or walk to the Ryokan as there is no bicycle parking or parking space available.
・Please refrain from waiting outside the Ryokan before or after the opening.
・The Ryokan is located in a residential area. Please refrain from talking loudly or staying outside the museum for long periods of time to avoid disturbing neighbors.
・Please refrain from loud conversations inside the ryokan, as there are guests staying at the ryokan. Also, ・please refrain from entering areas other than where artwork is displayed without permission.

We ask for your cooperation in order to ensure a safe, secure, and pleasant viewing experience for all visitors.

投稿日:2024-07-23 更新日:
